Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Time to clear my mind

Muddled minds are cluttered closets
And holders of deepest secrets
Precedence has no hold here.
Focus is pertinent-
Yet scarily unobtainable,
And the future is so unclear.

~by Dana

The week before reading week seems like the harshest week of the school year. I have found it extremely difficult to retain focus since the holiday break, even though my mind feels like its going to explode, and my thoughts run in circle over the lists of things that need to be accomplished. So please excuse my sloth-like nature, it is only in appearence, not reality. This time of year has left me feeling completely overwhelmed with a lack of energy to tackle the tasks at hand. My poem is just an attempt at trying to voice these feelings, I'm not sure if it comes out clear or not, but if not, then I guess it truly echoes how I'm feeling at this point in time.


Blogger Valerie said...

Dana, I hope that things have cleared up a bit for you and that you have regained a bit of your sanity as we approach the last 5 weeks of the 2004-2005 university school year.
I know I'm not.

Muddled; such a great word. I think of "sloppy" and "unclear".
"Focus is pertinent" - I think if you are going to edit this at all, I would suggest capitalizing the word "pertinent" because it is one word which is weighed heavily upon through the verb "to focus".
Your analogy of the mind being a closet is actually very intriguing. I never really thought about the mind being a closet, but it is interesting to think about how different thoughts of the mind can be accessed through different areas of the brain...and thus can be likened to closets.
I just may have to use this myself one day!
Six lines of illustrious confusion!
Well done.

March 1, 2005 at 7:33 PM  
Blogger maggiesong said...

hi Dana! I just found this posting of yours and wanted to leave a comment.

I enjoyed your poem...I thought 'wow, she's been reading my mail (mind)'...I arrived at reading week determining that I would work all that week and be on top of the final sprint to the end of the school year. Well yes, I did work all that week, and by the end of it, I had completed one whole task - posting one blog. I have started on many more, but which seem to be at this point in time, in my cluttered closet of a mind more than on paper.

I think part of this school process is in learning to become a juggler who continues to refuse to stop juggling in the muddle, and who believes that the clutter is only a brilliant idea waiting for a place to be expressed.

Thanks for this poem!

March 2, 2005 at 12:07 PM  

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